JDarkRoom is a simple full-screen text editor that has nothing else to distract you than a colored screen and letters. This application is wonderful for easily distracted people or simply for those who are writing a thesis, novel, essay, etc. and need to concentrate for a while. The program enables you to change the background and font color, as well as the font itself and its size, via the settings screen that you will find by pressing F6. It also remembers the file that you were working on and notifies you if you have forgotten to save your changes, among other useful things. Also, if you need to use another screen you can switch between the program and the other screen by using the ALT + TAB keys. The program also enables you to copy a text to the Windows clipboard, autosave your work and get a word count. When you finish your work press F3 and your work will be saved in the format you choose. The program also supports central-European character sets, word/line/character count, text search, adjustable margins to fit any screen resolution, among many other useful things. It requires Java 1.4 or greater.